
Showing posts from June, 2020

Microsoft Outlook Essentials: All You Need to Know to Manage Your Projects, Inbox and Calendar - 3-Hour Boot Camp

OVERVIEW This boot camp teaches you how to make Microsoft Outlook a partner in your productivity initiatives  by showing you features in Outlook and explaining the time management benefits. The instruction focuses on how Microsoft Outlook can be used as a Project Management tool, sparing you the costs of expensive project management software. The instruction starts with the Inbox and teaches you how to use click and drag features to move emails loaded with task requests and project management information into Tasks and/or the Calendar for processing. Then we delve into the specifics of using Tasks as a Project Management tool. The instruction includes how the main Outlook folders can be integrated for amazing output. (The principles work if you are managing remote or virtual teams.) WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND Research reveals that organizations with creative and collaborative teams will thrive in 2020 and beyond. Attend this boot camp and receive the instruction th...

Anticipating & Addressing Employees’ Return-to-Work Concerns Post-COVID-19

OVERVIEW The COVID-19 pandemic has turned everyday life upside down. Millions of Americans are now working from home. And while the current pandemic will certainly end, the transition back to “normal” life is likely to be gradual, with many predicting that the “normal” we once knew is a thing of the past and that the workplace employees return to will forever be changed. This situation presents multiple challenges for organizations looking to transition their staff back to on-site work. Whether they have been furloughed or transitioned to work remotely full time,  re-onboarding needs to be well-planned and effectively communicated. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND With stay-at-home orders starting to lift and businesses beginning the process of resuming normal operations, it is time for HR professionals, managers, and other business leaders to start putting in place workforce strategies for a post-COVID-19 workplace. It is imperative for organizations to take proactive steps to...

Developing Conflict Competent Leaders to Harness the Power of Organizational Conflicts

OVERVIEW In this webinar, participants will learn how to harness the power of conflict as leaders in their organizations. Participants will examine their own conflict styles and those they lead. In addition, the various types of conflict in the workplace will be looked at and strategies leaders can use to deal with conflict that can be disruptive to their organizations. Special attention will be given to conflict in teams, between departments and other outside organizations a leader may have to deal with. During the webinar, an overview of team and group dynamics will be presented and how this affects the likelihood of conflict on work teams. While conflict can be destructive, it also has benefits. It is these benefits that leaders must tap into in order to create high performing teams. Finally, participants will learn leadership strategies in dealing with conflict in their organizations. Various techniques will be presented to help leaders negotiate, resolve and manage conf...

Mastering the Leap to Management: Skills and Techniques for New Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders

OVERVIEW Anyone who’s been a manager will tell you that there is a huge difference between doing and managing. • Instead of doing the work you love, you spend your time in meetings, filling out forms, writing projections and dealing with personnel problems. • Instead of just making sure you get to work at 8:00 AM, you now worry that your team gets there at 8:00 AM. • Instead of worrying about whether your work is sufficiently done and turned in on time, you must worry that your team is sufficiently doing their work and turning it in on time. • Instead of ignoring the toxic team member, you have to do something about him. And the list goes on. In most organizations, if you are the best at your craft, it’s likely you’ll be selected to be the next team leader, supervisor or manager. The irony is that very few new managers get the leadership skills training on how to actually manage the new manager challenges. The reality is that you must leap into a whole new set of tasks ...

Handling a Chaotic Work Environment: How to Prioritize Work and Make Good Decisions Under Pressure

OVERVIEW This highly interactive webinar offers you and your team an array of practical tools to help you get things done in today's chaotic and constantly changing work environment. You’ll learn practical tips on how to make good decisions under pressure to earn buy-in from bosses, coworkers and customers. In a workshop environment, you will participate in valuable exercises utilizing real-world case studies.  You'll emerge with an action plan you can use right away for managing through chaos and to master expanding workloads and complex decisions. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND • Are you feeling overtasked, over-worried and overdone? • Could you use a ‘managing multiple priorities effectively refresher”, to help you get a better handle on things? • Would you like to brush up on your management and delegation skills? If you answered  “yes”  to any of these questions, then come laugh, listen and learn as Chris DeVany leads us all through those important topics,...

Introduction to Basic Excel Formulas and Functions - Get the Most Out of Your Business Data

OVERVIEW Using Excel is now a daily requirement for most business professionals in any type of industry, whether they are manipulating spreadsheets, updating forecasts, analyzing revenue or trying to decipher data. With all the information out there, and such an urgent need to understand it all, you might be wondering how you can make Excel work for you and get the most from your data? Start by learning the basics of formula creation in Excel using the most essential functions. Enroll your team today in this Microsoft Excel training and discover the power of Excel formulas and functions! WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND As an Excel user, not only do you want to take your knowledge and skills to the next level, you want to be able to create efficient reports in the shortest time possible. These Excel formulas and functions will help you to do just that. AREAS COVERED • Learn the rules for formulas • Rediscover the order of operation • Why cell referencing is important • Dis...