Webinar on Employee Onboarding Best Practices: From Entry-Level to Senior Executive

Better the help and guidance the new employees receive the faster they can get up to speed and become an active contributor to the organization. Our upcoming webinar discusses how to develop and implement an effective employee onboarding for all levels of new employees into what for them is a new organization.
The webinar covers the following key areas:
·         Onboarding roles and responsibilities for HR professionals
·         The basics — creating comfort for the entry-level new employee and others
·         Onboarding the person not in your location
employee onboarding

Imagine yourself walking into the office on the first day of your very first real full-time job.  You are terrified. There is so much you need to learn and you are hoping you won’t make some huge embarrassing mistakes.
Imagine yourself walking into the office on the first day of your new position as Senior Vice-President of a company. You need to “hit the ground running” and aren’t even sure where to find your personal office.
Imagine yourself having accepted a position via phone and e-mail and are now about to start working from your desk in your second bedroom at home. You aren’t even sure how to communicate with anyone — or who to communicate within this new company where almost everyone works remotely.
Imagine yourself as the HR professional responsible for creating employee onboarding policy and procedures to onboard all these people with different experiences, needs, and wants. 
What do they have in common? What are the critical differences you need to take into account in order to make each of them comfortable, as well as making sure they are legally compliant, understand and agree to company policy and procedures, respect and agree to comply with the company culture, and of course have everything they need in order to make them successful in their new jobs.
Some companies have formal New Employee Orientation Programs and we will share some of their ideas as well.
In this human resources management training, we will attempt to give you enough information on effective employee onboarding for all levels into what for them is a new organization.
Anyone responsible for onboarding or managing an employee new to the company; from entry-level employee to senior executive – all will benefit.
·         HR Professionals
·         Training Professionals
·         Senior Vice President
·         Vice President
·         Managing Director
·         Regional Vice President
·         Project Managers
·         Directors
·         Chief Learning Officer
·         Senior Managers
·         Business Owners
·         Consultants
Speaker Profile: ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized Leadership, Management, Professional Development, and  Organizational Development (O-D) consultant specializing in people and processes in the workplace. She has 37+ years of professional experience.
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