Background Checks Under the EEOC’s Best Practices – Training Doyens


What will be discussed?
The cost of having to defend the company against an EEOC accusation of discriminatory background check for employment can run into tens of thousands of dollars. Our upcoming webinar discusses the best practices to lessen the chances of being discriminatory in the eyes of the U.S. Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission (EEOC).
What you’ll learn?
·         Why criminal background checks are important?
·         The EEOC best practices guidance
·         Problems that may arise


The EEOC has seen that the potential for discrimination during the background check for employment is greater than what most people think. You will learn what their best practices are to lessen the chances of being discriminatory in the eyes of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).


Office Managers
HR Managers
Business Owners


Michael D. Haberman is Vice-President and Co-Founder of Omega HR Solutions, Inc., a consulting and Services Company offering complete human resources solutions, with an experience of about 19+ years.

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