Live Webinar on How Leaders Can Create a Culture of Everyday Civility That Means Business

According to Dr. Kusy’s 3-year study of over 400 individuals94% of the workforce has dealt with a toxic person over the past five years. These clever chameleons not only create personal angst and get under our skin, they also cost money.
How much? Up to 6% of total compensation costs! And that’s just the beginning of these costs; 51% of victims of their venom are likely to quit; 12% do. And a whopping 87% reported that team climate and performance worsened.
Dr. Kusy will explain the importance of organisational culture and demonstrate how these toxic personalities not only infiltrate your work system but, just as importantly, why you need to understand their system of operation. They get away with bad behavior. Let him show you how to stop them in their tracks and restore everyday civility to new heights.
FEAR. Sometimes referred to as narcissists, bullies, and clever chameleons who knock down, but kiss up; these clever chameleons create fear in the workplace.
UNCERTAINTY. Based on Dr. Kusy’s newly released book, Why I Don’t Work Here Anymore: A Leader’s Guide to Offset the Financial and Emotional Costs of Toxic Employees, this webinar covers the business culture importance and full scope of uncertainties that most leaders have in working with toxic people.
DOUBT FACTORS. Let Dr. Kusy show you how to remove doubt in working with these toxic individuals. You will understand their power, what reinforces their behavior, and most importantly—what leaders can do to restore everyday civility in their organizations and successfully deal with them.
In this webinar, you will understand how Dr. Kusy’s extensive 3-year national study of over 400 individuals provides critical answers for leaders. His heavily researched Toxic Cost Worksheet will demonstrate how leaders can determine the financial ramifications of toxic people in your own organizations—up to 6% of total compensation costs!
Beyond these financial costs, he provides innovative and simple recruiting practices to avoid hiring these narcissistic personas in the first place. Strategies are easier when your toxic person has performance problems. But what about those toxic individuals who are your organizational stars? Mitch shares how giving feedback to a toxic star is painful, but it can be done quite effectively.
He concludes this webinar by demonstrating how to integrate these strategies into daily practice for organisational culture management —building new norms of respectful engagement that offset toxic behaviors. Positive organizational cultures are designed one strategy and one person at a time.
He relates this through rich examples, robust practices, and clear strategies—all formed from his research and evidence-based methods and engaged for the past 15 years with benchmarked success!
In a landmark 3-year national study of over 400 individuals on what makes toxic people tick, Dr. Mitch Kusy uncovers why 94% of the workforce has dealt with them unsuccessfully as well as how they erode our personal well being, team performance, and the bottom line.
There’s a better way! And Dr. Kusy’s evidence-based practices will show you how to stop them in their tracks, reinforce respectful engagement, and tips creating a culture of civility in the workplace. All helping in organisational culture management and impacting the bottom line positively and significantly!
  • Leaders
  • Executives
  • VP of HR
  • All HR directors, managers, and generalists
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Director of Risk Management

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