Live Webinar on Your Ultimate Competitive Advantage is achieved with People Intelligence - Creating a Stress Free, Fully Engaged, and Productive Workplace

Business success is based on your employees intellectual capital and that is gathered though people intelligence.
  • People intelligence – is leadership in knowing what matters to your people, what drives them, how to continually motivate and support them, and how to create positive work environment. 
  • People intelligence – is knowing what drives your people and how to improve and sustain their drive and gains. 
  • People intelligence – is bringing out the best in every person, and using that skill level to promote leadership, provide empowerment, and accelerate creativity.
  • People intelligence - is how to detox and neutralize a negative workplace and grow productivity. 
  • People intelligence - is all about knowing your people’s strengths, and then coaching them to improve on goal setting and performance standards.
employee engagement strategies

It is about dealing with what is wrong in the workplace in a timely and effective manner that will minimize the damage and stop it from re-occurring. It is speaking up, standing up, being persistent, and in search of excellence in yourself and others.
This three hour webinar delivers the solutions you need to solve immediate problems and gives you insight on how to implement emotional intelligence in the workplace. It is education along with reliable, meaningful, easy to understand and administer tests on loyalty and engagement.
When you register, you will receive an e-book copy of my book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge.
This Presentation Will Cover:
  • How to set your organization's culture and create a productive workplace environment - if you don't get it right, nothing else matters
  • Explore Emotional Intelligence – finding the strengths and weaknesses in everyone 
  • Establish systems to engage and measure productivity
  • Adopt the strategies of top business leaders and their leadership traits 
  • Develop the missing link to business success - execution of the basics 
  • Learn how to deal with difficult co-workers, peers and especially bosses. 
  • Identify how to detox and neutralize a negative workplace of disagreeable, dysfunctional people
  • Understand the 5 most difficult types of people and how to approach and neutralize them
  • Learn how to handle, turn around and navigate difficult conversations and negative behavior that leads to harassment, bullying, gossip, confrontational and disruptive behavior
  • Take the 3 self-tests that provide you the measure of the essential attributes and behaviors that develop loyalty to you and retention to the organization
  • Learn how to coach people for better behavior and performance
Your success in business today is all based on relationships, productivity and execution –which is only achieved by ridding the workplace of confusion, conflict and toxic people and imbedding a striking vision and culture of getting things done with and through your people.
This ultimate competitive advantage for you and your company starts with creating a stress free workplace, where everyone looks forward to coming to work knowing that they are making a difference for their customers, and helping co-workers achieve higher working standards and levels of execution.
  • Mentors
  • Senior Management
  • HR Managers
  • HR Generalists
  • Operations Managers
  • Compensation Professionals
  • Managers with HR responsibility
  • Any Professional who establishes goals/performance targets or who has accountability for operational outcomes

To Register (or) for more details please click on this below link:
Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494
Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-1882


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