Webinar on Workplace Investigations - Witnesses Interview Strategies – Training Doyens


In workplace investigations witness interviews are often especially challenging because many employees for a variety of reasons are reluctant to be involved and can be less than forthcoming.
Join our upcoming webinar to be presented by Teri Morning to learn the employee investigations best practices and ways to assess credibility of witnesses combined with the facts as presented.


In theory, investigatory interviewing sounds easy but in reality, it's often not.
The assigned investigator in many workplaces is often an already overburdened employee to whom another time-consuming project is now assigned, often to their dismay. This investigator may have had little to no training in how to perform workplace investigations. Or they may have had training in the process of investigatory mechanics but never actually performed an investigation. One common challenge is struggling to gather information during witness interviews.In HR investigation process, it's crucial that interviews are structured to capture and gather all available accurate information, notwithstanding employee emotions that are often running high.


Employee Relations
Human Resources- Generalists, Business Partners, Managers, Directors, VPs
Branch Managers
Small business owners
Plant Managers
Webinar Highlights
·         How to prepare and what to do before an interview.
·         Organizing your interview so you can ask good questions.
·         Strategies for the reluctant witness.


Teri Morning, MBA, MS, SHRM-SCP, is President of Hindsight Human Resources, LLC and specializes in solving company “people problems.” Teri also sources software solutions for compensation and performance management.

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