T.I.P.S. For Avoiding Unfair Labor Practice Charges under the NLRA

Union membership is at an all-time low. As a result, many companies think the National Labor Relations Act is unimportant to most companies. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. The current National Labor Relations Board, although Republican controlled, still is active in dealing with situations that deal with union and non-union company actions. Much of their activity centers on what is called “protected concerted activity.” These are rights afforded to employees by the National Labor Relations Act regardless of whether an employee is covered by a union contract or not. This has been the case since the law was first passed; however, today there is a modern twist. When the NLRA was enacted in 1935 no one could conceive of the phenomenon of social media. Yet today the NLRB is ruling on Facebook posts as acts of protected activity. This webinar will explain how the activities of your management team may be seen as infringing on the rights of an employee, that may result in the results of an election being overturned and the company being forced to negotiate a contract.
labour relation act

Losing a union organizing campaign because of avoidable mistakes can have an expensive and disruptive effect on companies. Although the chances of being organized today are smaller than they have been in previous decades, unions still exist and they are still active. Unionization brings changes in organization and adds costs to doing business, not only in employee costs but also costs of making your product or delivering your service. You want to avoid those costs.
We will cover:
  • The basic law- The National Labor Relations Act
  • Who is covered
  • What the acronym TIPS stands for
  • Examples of violations
  • What may occur if you are accused of an Unfair Labor Practice
This webinar will help you understand the pitfalls as a company gets organized by a union. You will understand actions that could result in having to deal with a union, even if you win the organizing attempt. The actions of supervisors and managers, centered around Threats, Interrogation, Promises, and Spying,  can result in election results being set aside by the NLRB, forcing the company to enter into negotiation with the organizing union.
Business owners, office managers, HR managers, executives, managers

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