Would You Know How To Spot A Domestic Violence Victim In Your Workforce?

There are several issues related to domesticviolence that could severely impact your business if you have a victim at work. Our upcoming webinar focuses on how to identify the signs of domestic violence at workplace and what policies to introduce to protect the victim and other employees.  
Corporate threat managers, security, and human resources personnel are all responsible for helping to maintain safety in the workplace. But, if you don’t know what threats are lurking below the surface, or don’t understand the nature of the ones you can see; your company may suffer immeasurable human and financial losses. Domestic violence is an insidious enemy to the American workplace: Over 60% of women and many men have been physically, sexually, or severely emotionally abused by an intimate partner, and three quarters of those victims are employed. The violence and harassment that often follows them to work can pose significant danger to staff and customers, while invisibly stealing billions of dollars per year in absenteeism, lost productivity, higher health care costs, increased liability, and reduced employee retention. When a private employer neglects to educate its workforce, fails to establish a culture of trust and disclosure among employees, and remains ignorant to the true reality that victims face, then they are “flying blind” with no way to see the potential risks ahead of them. If an employee involved case “collapses” and tragedy strikes, companies (as well as the communities in and around them) may take years to financially and emotionally recover from the damage. Domestic violence in the workplace can be a complex, high stakes problem, but it isn’t one without solutions. Don’t miss your team’s opportunity to learn how to face employee involved cases with confidence and security.
Violence Training Online

  • Participants will learn about domestic violence and how it affects a business
  • Participants will examine the signs of domestic violence in order to better identify abused employees
  • Participants will explore best practices for asking about violence and responding to disclosures with compassionate confidence
  • Participants will discover new ideas for appropriately referring victims and national resources for helping both victims and employers
Speaker Profile
Lynn Fairweather, MSW is an abuse survivor who has worked in the domestic violence response and prevention field for over 24 years. In her role as president of Presage Consulting and Training she provides expert guidance and education to professionals in both the public and private sector, ranging from the federal government to multinational Fortune 500 corporations. Presage services include domestic violence threat assessment and management training, workplace violence program and policy consultations, and 24/7 threat response for employee cases. Before founding Presage in 2008, Lynn earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Science and a master’s degree in Social Work. Her skills in domestic violence threat assessment were developed by working on thousands of high risk cases through positions in social service, criminal justice, university, and shelter systems. Lynn has served on several interpersonal violence task forces and facilitated both victim support groups and batterer’s intervention programs.

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Based in Colorado, Training Doyens organizes world class webinars and seminars, providing training solutions to companies big and small. We offer affordable pricing and customization at any budget.

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