What’s Behind Generational Differences In The Workplace?

There are different generations in a workplace and each one has its own worldview and work ethics. Moreover, there often are generational differences that must be resolved strategically. Attend the upcoming webinar to learn how to bridge the generational gap leading to innovation, better productivity and competitive advantage.  
When people from different generations work side-by-side in the workplace, as they do every day, this poses unique workplace challenges, but it also sets the stage for tremendous opportunity as well. While the different generations don’t always see ‘eye-to-eye,’ bridging the generational divide can lead to greater innovation, productivity, effectiveness and – ultimately – competitive advantage. That’s the power that can come from leveraging the power and benefits of generational diversity. 
Age Diversity In The Workplace 


Participants will learn how and why the primary generations present in the 2017 workplace differ in terms of how they approach work, focused on understanding the value and contributions of each generation.
Speaker Profile
Mary Gormandy White, M.A., SHRM-SCP, SPHR is managing director of MTI Business Solutions, a leading corporate training/talent development firm working with clients throughout the U.S. She specializes in training, assessment and consulting services focused on building better workplaces through developing skills related to HR, management, leadership, workplace relationships, communication, team building, conflict management, employee selection and more.
Mary holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in Communication and her certifications include Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) and Everything DiSC® Certified Trainer/Accredited Workplace Facilitator, PXT Select TM Certified Professional and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Authorized Partner. Mary’s professional background includes extensive experience in management, HR, instructional design and more. She is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences and association meetings nationwide.
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