Develop A Strategy Of Communication Success

Statisticssuggests that approximately 85% of our success in life is directly attributableto our communication skills. To achieve success you need to speak up, be heard and have your messages acted upon. Join our upcoming webinar to develop effective communication skills for dealing successfully with multi-generational and multi-cultural workforces.
All we have in common with anyone and everyone else, is this skill called communication. It matters that we say it right and that the listener hears it right. With multi-generational and multi-cultural workforces these days, it is important you get it correct the first time. Communication is not a 50/50 proposition of you asking and accepting any response, it is 100% of you being accountable for getting the information across, having it understood and then getting an agreement back of what is being communicated – verbally, be it face to face, on the phone, electronically or in writing. Effective communication is more than one person talking. Respectful conversation includes how you sound to others, the words you use, the accuracy of what you say, the intent to be positive and the attention you give the other person. We need to say it with persuasion.
Effective Communication Skills

Miscommunication is the #1 cause of workplace conflict, production errors, low morale, customer and employee complaints and poor teamwork. To be effective at work you need to speak up, be heard and have your messages acted upon. When you do, you create that quality called trust, that is the engine of high performance.
Speaker Profile
Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into the personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or efficiency. A varied business and leadership background provides him proven experience that clients can relate to. The solid business background from a good cross section of industry includes: 
  • Charter Bank branch management, with special projects assigned from time to time of mortgage lending departments and seasonal savings bond drives,
  • Manager / Resident Representative for the VISA credit card Division of a legacy Bank, in charge of the entire Province of Alberta 
  • Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company, which included expanding the market share and building retail stations
  • Grew an executive recruiting company from three employees to over 20, and set up a remote recruiting office in England 
  • Set up, owned and managed a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year retail convenience store and gas bar business
  • As a hobby, organizes and chairs election campaign at every level of government
  • Active on several community associations in a leadership / board member role
About Training Doyens
Based in Colorado, Training Doyens organizes world class webinars and seminars, providing training solutions to companies big and small. We offer affordable pricing and customization at any budget.

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