
Showing posts from August, 2018

What’s New in America’s Largest Power Grid? Recent Developments in the PJM Market

OVERVIEW The webinar will address the recent issues affecting PJM electricity market , including proposals to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). We will address status of FERC proposals concerning the dispatch order and pricing of resources, as well as the two PJM proposals affectingcompensation of state-subsidized resources.  We will also look at recent wholesale market prices and the results of the capacity auction. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND PJM is the largest market operator in the U.S., and very proactive in its attempt to craft rules governing wholesale markets. It is currently dealing with a high level of retirements of high capacity factor ‘baseload’ units, the integration of growing numbers of renewables, the entrance of energy storage in larger amounts, and attempts by multiple states – from Ohio to New Jersey – to subsidize existing resources in order to meet societal goals. Understanding theelectric utility industry trends and PJM issues will help atte...

Quality Risk Management Overview

OVERVIEW After attending this course the audience will Recognize the purpose and value of Quality Risk Management (QRM) , as well as how it applies to your job. Explain the level of risk based on severity, occurrence, and detectability and how the QRM process is used to make decisions. Identify key QRM terminology. Recognize the four (4) key components of Quality Risk Management Identify examples of Quality Risk Management tools and their application. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND Per ICH Q10 Quality risk management is integral to an effective pharmaceutical quality system. It can provide a proactive approach to identifying, scientifically evaluating and Controlling potential risks to quality. However integrating the principles of QRM into our quality processes is complex especially in a pharmaceutical organization. There is much confusion on how to define risk and individuals often think of quality risk management as just a tool like FMEA analysis verse...

Breakthrough Consumer Experience: Boost Your Bottom Line By Delivering The Products Your Customers Want

OVERVIEW In order to stay current, organizations invest big money every year developing new products and features. But how many of those expensive features make an impact on the bottom line? Today, the key to fighting digital disruption, reducing waste and increasing sales is an effective customer experience strategy that focuses on building valuable solutions. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND Learn strategies to improve customer experience by creating valuable solutions. The webinar focuses on how organizations can make their investments fruitful through better customer experience management. AREAS COVERED In this impactful talk, the audience will take away specific strategies for customer experience management that will help them understand what their potential customers really want, and how to streamline end to end delivery, thereby increase sales,improve customer experience and save time and money. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Discover the lean startup delivery cycle Learn how ...

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Effective Decision Making

OVERVIEW Every day at work, leaders are faced with many issues when making decisions. Some of our problems are big and complicated, while others may be more easily solved. There is no shortage of challenges and issues that can arise on the job. Critical thinkingand problem solving are two essential skills that leaders need to have. Critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively solve problems. This doesn’t mean you need to have an immediate answer, it means you have to be able to think on your feet, assess problems and find solutions. By learning how to strengthen your creative problem solving and decisionmaking skills by breaking old habits, you will gain confidence and respect. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND This problem-solving and decision making training gives you some tips and techniques for develop skills as a critical thinker and problem solver and recognize and leverage your thinking preferences, as well as those on your team, to find...

8 Common HIPAA Violations

HIPAA Violations 

Webinar on Speaking and Listening (Includes Stage and Public Presentations) With All of You: How to Improve Engagement and Effective Interaction – Training Doyens

OVERVIEW Your business landscape might be exacting but you don’t have to compromise on your aspirations. Just brush up your skills with our upcoming webinar. Are you fearful or tenuous about speaking either in a small group environment or to a large group? Join the webinar to learn about the techniques for greater stage presence , impact and ultimately confidence to get your message out in a way that you look to convey. Key points to be covered in the webinar: ·          Learn a tool that will both help you relax and create more impact ·          Delineate four skills that will move you forward ·          Understand the three skills that what will make your speech more powerfull LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objective of the session is for participants to walk away with a greater sense of knowledge of what it takes to be a better communicator and to ...

Webinar on Fundamentals of Form W-2 Processing and Preparation – Training Doyens

OVERVIEW The IRS provides updated tax rates and changes on how taxable income is calculated each year and it’s important to stay updated about such changes. Join our upcoming webinar to be presented by Dayna J. Reum to get some insider’s knowledge about the new W-2 reporting deadlines and updates on how to process the W-2 form. Webinar Highlights: ·          W-2 filing requirements with the SSA ·          Details around new codes added for The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ·          Understanding special state W-2 filing requirements LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand how to properly complete, report and balance the Form W-2. WHO WILL BENEFIT Payroll Accounting HR professionals SPEAKER   Dayna is currently the Director of Payroll Operations at Ann & Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Dayna has been heavily involved...

Webinar on Excel as a Business Intelligence Tool – How to create flexible summary reports using Pivot Tables and Charts – Training Doyens

OVERVIEW Many people struggle with how to create Pivot Tables , or maybe they don’t even know what they can do, or maybe they think they are too difficult. I’m delighted to invite you for our upcoming webinar where Tom Fragale discusses how to take all of your raw data and quickly turn that data into easy to use flexible summary reports using Pivot Tables and Charts. The webinar provides a clear and deep understanding about: ·          Creating and managing Pivot Tables. ·          Creating custom calculations ·          Creating daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly summaries LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this webinar, you will learn how to take all of your raw data and quickly turn that data into easy to use flexible summary reports using Pivot Tables and Charts. We will start with the basics and built up to more complex pivot tables. WHO WIL...

Webinar on Harassment, Bullying, Gossip, Confrontational and Disruptive Behavior: a Manager’s Guide on How to Detox and Neutralize a Negative Workplace – Training Doyens

I am delighted to invite you for our upcoming webinar to be presented by Bruce Lee . When toxic behavior infects a department, managers need to find a way to neutralize them. Bruce discusses how to keep emotional control and tame disruptive and destructive behavior . The webinar provides a clear and deep understanding about: ·          How to turn around the gossip, gab and the grapevine to create more empowered employees. ·          How to tell when someone is lying to you and how to confront them on it. ·          When to focus on the behavior you see and not the attitude behind it. workplace violence and harassment training LEARNING OBJECTIVES One of the worse things that a workplace can have is a negative environment. The webinar focuses on how to handle negativity among employees and exercise your power to promote trust, engagement and creat...

Webinar on Microsoft Excel - Pivot Tables 101: Create an Eye-Catching and Appealing Pivot Table in 6 Clicks – Training Doyens

Your business landscape might be exacting but you don’t have to compromise on your aspirations. Just brush up your skills with our upcoming webinar. Learning how to create Pivot Tables is one of the must have skills for anyone who needs to use Excel to quickly build reports and summaries. Join the webinar to learn how to build appealing pivot tables and reports. Key points to be covered in the webinar: ·          What is a pivot table – a few examples of pivot tables ·          Creating a simple pivot table in 6 clicks ·          Sum, count and percent – how to change what is displayed advanced excel course LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this Microsoft Excel training, you'll learn How to create a pivot table report in just 6 clicks! How to change the layout and appearance of the report to make it inviting to read How to display data in differen...